

I Almedalen bjöd vi in till ett välbesökt seminarie om spelteknik för att återskapa och visualisera brottsplatser. Tack East Sweden för att vi fick delta samt AI Sweden, Nationellt Forensiskt Centrum och Visual Sweden som bidragit till projektet. Efter den inledande...
NGC 2023

NGC 2023

The Indie Game Expo at NGC 2023, held at First Hotel Jörgen Kock in Malmö, was a success with many delighted visitors who mingled and played games from East Sweden Game. The event turned out great! We want to thank Simplygon Studios for drinks and all participants who...
Nordic Game Conference in Malmö

Nordic Game Conference in Malmö

We had a significant presence at the Nordic Game Conference in Malmö last week! It is evident that East Sweden Game is one of the leading regions for game development in Sweden, and we have demonstrated our commitment to staying at the forefront! Our booth on the show...
Perfect day

Perfect day

What an amazing evening at the park yesterday! Perfect weather, great company and a perfect mix of cold beer, ice cream and homemade cakes. Have a nice weekend folks!
Enchanting release gala for Bramble

Enchanting release gala for Bramble

The East Sweden Game Cluster celebrated a remarkable milestone this weekend when Dimfrost Studio held an enchanting release gala for Bramble: The Mountain King. What a night! The game appears visually stunning and boasts an impressive audio experience. Mark April 27...
Serious games

Serious games

How can organizations outside the entertainment sector get access to expertise from the gaming industry? East Sweden Game teamed up with AI Sweden and Visual Sweden to perform two exciting pilot projects with National Forensic Center and Norrköping Airport. Earlier...